(Redirected from HOWTO Become a member)
Current Information
This document has been temporarily hijacked. Becoming a member is not a very clear process either online or at the space. For now, this document seeks to help alleviate that.
Our current membership page on the AHA web site is available at:
Things that need doing
- Make it clear how to become a member at AHA
- Make it clear how to become a member online
- When someone intiates an automated payment via paypal, they should:
- Be taken to a page thanking them + include details on:
- What forms need to be filled (This is now happening)
- That they can pick these forms up at the shop as well
- What they should do with these forms once they are filled out
- Who they can contact for more information
- When they can expect keys/code/etc.
- What forms need to be filled (This is now happening)
- A notification to whoever handles membership needs to be sent
- Receive an automated email detailing the same as above
- Be taken to a page thanking them + include details on:
- When someone makes a payment at AHA via cash / check / credit
- The same information needs to be relayed as if they had paid online
- A notification to whoever handles membership needs to be sent
- Make sure our membership information is up to date and consistent across
- AHA Website
- Google Drive
- Wiki
- Print material at shop
- Board, Staff mental banks
- Assemble a wiki page that covers the process of becoming a member from start to finish
- From the perspective of AHA as an organization
- From the perspective of a potential new member
- Checklist for when someone is getting their key / code
- Digital Copy of Welcome Card located on AHA local network: \\aha-control\shared\dropbox\Official AHA Stuff\Labels & General Notices\New Member Welcome Card\
- Physical Copy of Welcome Cards are in the AHA Admin Locker #33
- Who has what Key / Code: Kept on Private Google Members Doc (Current AHA Shop Directors w/Google Accounts can access + Josh Williams + Jamie Finerman)
- Someone needs to walk through this with the new member. They should check off each item as it is covered
Updating the Member List
How to update this?
Get payment information from
- Log into with our account
- Click on "Sales"
- Click on "Transactions"
- Change the time period to the previous month, or as long as it takes to get back to the last point we updated member data
- Click on "Export" and choose "Transactions"
- Download this to a file on your computer, but please remember to delete it after.
- Open the file in your favorite spreadsheet software.
- Sort the spreadsheet by the column "Description"
- Find 301 and 301 - Membership payments. Ideally all member payments submitted through square should include the name of the person who the membership is for, and the month they are paying for.
- If not, you will have to email the list to try and figure this out.
- Entering in the information for when someone paid for membership according to the square spreadsheet, into the AHA Members Spreadsheet:
- In the Google AHA Members Spreadsheet, add a column for the month you are recording payments for. There is a good chance this column is already there.
- Feel free to "Hide" columns if they are for a month over 2 months prior.
- Make sure you add:
- Date they paid
- The month they are paying for
- Make sure your initials are in the first column for every row you edit.
Get payment information from
- Log into our paypal account with the account
- Click on "History"
- Select "Download History"
- Change the date range to the last 45 days, or whatever it takes to get to the point we last updated membership data
- File type "Comma Delimited - All Activity"
- Select "Include Shopping Cart details"
- Click "Download History" button!
- Open CSV file in your favorite spreadsheet software.
- Sort the spreadsheet by the column "Item Title"
- Find the "Membership" items.
- Most people pay either $20 (Reduced) or $50 (Standard). One or two people pay $25. Consider them "Reduced"
- Backyard Brains Pays approx. $20 p/person, they have a lot!
- Entering in the information for when someone paid for membership according to the paypal spreadsheet, into the AHA Members Spreadsheet:
- In the Google AHA Members Spreadsheet, if necessary add a column for the month you are recording payments for. There is a good chance this column is already there.
- Feel free to "Hide" columns if they are for a month over 2 months prior.
- Make sure you add:
- Date they paid
- The month they are paying for
- Make sure your initials are in the first column for every row you edit.