Minutes:13 OCT 2021 Members Meeting Agenda
Meeting begins: 1911
Meeting ends: 2104
Participants: Nate Y., Joe D., Andrew C., David G., James K.
- Announcements/new business - 10m
- Membership - 5m - Joe
- Financial - 5m - Joe
- Fundraising/outreach - 10m - Nate
- Operations - 5m - Nate
- Old business - 30m
- Announcements/new business:
- None
- Membership:
- Lost three members (2 full, 1 reduced); but three members got their autopay fixed and settled their tab. Lost members mostly due to lack of finances, or lack of use for AHA at this time.
- Meet to discuss membership retention - Joe and James
- Financial:
- Financial health outlook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MTjgdvGJI9-FI7OFxkDdw-hJbirdUaxwBpERWVGVSQs/edit#gid=0
- Profit & Loss: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aINPisScO9ZlYywtfP5kuiyGuiaIlUEq/view?usp=sharing
- About 5 months of in the bank
- $4500 at the end of September, plus a few catch-ups in membership
- We have a couple recurring donations from M&ST and CTF
- Consider adjustments to membership rates -- we have How do we do this? Grandfathered rates?
- Finances meeting related to fundraising and membership rates
- Set up Stripe for alternate payment methods - James and Joe
- Reimbursement Google form for purchases - Nate
- Fundraising/outreach:
- TechGlow - Nate & David
- Coming along to the "assembly phase" -- need to build a frame to hold the quilt, and it needs to break down to fit reasonably in a sedan.
- Tech Trek debrief - Nate
- Met a lot of interested folks, gave out lots of flyers; got some contacts for volunteers/interested groups
- James suggests creating a "go-kit" for events -- flyers, donation jar, other merch?
- Go Fund Me update - Joe
- Met goal! Hooray! Send out thank-yous to everyone. - Joe
- End of Year fundraiser scheduling - Joe
- Set up a meeting for next week
- Casual recurring payment platforms? Patreon -- cool badge in Matrix chat as reward?
- TechGlow - Nate & David
- Operations:
- Board Elections: nominations open, Nov. 11 voting closes - Nate
- Google poll of members to see when they might be able to hold open hours? - Nate
- Membermatters successfully installed on our server, but has a decent amount of setup still required - Andrew
- Nate will give access to Andrew
- Plotter: ink-jet plotter, *almost* ready to use. What should we do with this? - Andrew & James
- Craigslist it -- seems to be the general feeling?
- Pick and Place machine -- No takers. Use for parts? Use for fancy plotter?
- Nate will take the gantry off, keep the controller board, and then break down the cabinet.
- Organizing parts and things from donated equipment, sorting items, for November - James
- Open hours -- could use some more help -- could use more help on Thursday?
- Emergency Exit signs on the alternate door -- vinyl cutouts? Arrow pointing at the deadbolt knob? - James and Joe
- Networking equipment:
- Security gateway still needs to be hooked in - James
- Bug Comcast about modem issues? - Nate
- Organize sink installation - Joe
- Education
- Restart training events - document how to use the main machines, start running classes on how to use them again.
- Require folks to run the machines as part of the training
- Regular (quarterly?) check-ins on how the education mission is going
- Set up an initial meeting before next Members' Meeting.
- Do classes more on a schedule, vs. on-demand, since it is more sustainable
Old business updates
- Outreach/fundraising
- Go around to local techie businesses and see if any of them would be willing to kick in some sponsorship money? - James
- Finances
- Add James and Joe to bank account - Joe and James will send Nate some dates/times to do this
- Operations
- Tool library - Joe (DONE, but available tools must be added to Lend Engine. Joe/Andrew will add info on the Wiki)