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Revision as of 19:00, 10 July 2024 by JLDohm (talk | contribs)
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The dedicated plotter was built by Joe Dohm in 2024. He might be able to answer questions

Info is available in the following github repositories

The plotter firmware is fluidnc. The web interface is available at fluidnc.local when it is connected to the same wifi as you.

The plotter has three buttons. Red is emergency stop. It activates the reset pin on the ESP32. The two yellow buttons are home and start. The home button does just that, and the start button starts running the file temp.gcode located on the SD card.

The plotter homes to the maximum X value and the minimum Y value. All movements are interpreted in work coordinates. It is possible to switch between multiple work coordinate systems, but it isn't necessary for this project. The Z work space should match the Z machine space. So should Y. X should be adjusted to the minimum x value that puts the drawing on the paper and then zeroed. This is about x_machine_space of 20 = x_work_space of 0

GCODE CONVERSION is a web based UI to convert to gcode. Important settings are:





Tool on Sequence

;blank line

g0 z0

Tool off Sequence

;blank line

g0 z3

Program Begin Sequence


Program End Sequence

G0 X-20 Y5 z3