Minutes:08 JAN 2014 Board Meeting Agenda
Meeting attendees: Larry W., Tyler W., Martin S., Nate Y., Dana N., Zach W., Josh W.
Meeting starts at: 1910
Meeting ends at:
(15 min) Open For All!
Martin: Tyler = Automating events, want to meet sometime. Martin: Wants to send flyer to his group next month (February), wants to get that done before the end of the month Martin: Has a mentor, is interested, but not going to become a member. Willing to donate / sponsor, wants to propose a 'sponsored rate', ie: $15 or $30 p/month. So community members who like the concept can an opportunity to donate. Martin: Subscribe option at $15 or $30 p/month. Dana: Confusion over sponsor vs. member Martin: Separate page? Martin: Recurring option would be ideal if possible. Dana: Sounds great, but need to reduce confusion. Zach: Is this from the perspective of a company, or a person? Martin: Feels like this is a targeted area that we aren't currently reaching that we could. Dana: Perhaps try with the person Martin knows, and then apply that information further. Larry: Mentioned that the sponsorship is for an "unrestricted donation". Steering away from becoming required to spend money on specific things. Zach: I thought the idea of "What's going on at AHA this week", lacking times. Good to include times in event listing updates
(5 min) Appreciations! - Josh (All)
(2 min) Review Agenda (All)
- Should everything in this agenda be here? Some of these items might be be better off in a "Getting Shit Done" meeting...
(5 min) Financial Update -
(5 min) Facilities Update - Josh
(5 min) 501c3 Update - Josh
(30 min) Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Conflict of Interest amendments - Larry
zwick's feedback: Bylaws:
- "limited to 3 consecutive terms"
- Does this mean that 2 terms on, 1 term off, 1 term on is okay?
- What is the intention of making the directors give an "unrestricted financial gift."
Standing Rules:
- Oxford comma missing in the "Board Committees Section"
- Governance section sounds like it is able to veto board nominations
- This could very easily create a situation in which the board is no longer in-tune with the membership.
- especially since the board members themselves can nominate people themselves. (seems like cronyism)
- "Process for establishing board roles and terms" section
- "previous 6 month terms... count toward the 3 year maximum."
- No mention of consecutive, unlike in Bylaw changes.
- "previous 6 month terms... count toward the 3 year maximum."
Conflict of Interest:
- paragraph beginning "in the course of meetings or activities" seems ambiguos.
- Does it only apply to AHA meetings and activities or all of my meetings and activities everywhere?
- What are the consequences of violating this contract?
(2 min) NOVA/PBS Making Stuff Events in February - Josh
(5 min) Updates on The Core - All
- Membership
- Goal: Improve Membership (What does this mean?)
- Lead: Larry
- Events
- Goal: Make sure events (new and recurring) are found, promoted, and run in a timely fashion.
- Lead: Martin
- Finances
- Goal: Make sure finances are kept up to date, supply monthly financial reports.
- Lead: Ruh Roh
- Staff
- Goal: Find, train, and maintain a balance of volunteer staff needs with the shop's needs.
- Lead: Nate
- Can we spend $50 on Zing Train staff training workshop?
- Landlord Management
- Goal: Establish official communication channels with the landlord, communicate with them when general communication isn't working out, or when higher level (beyond basic maintenance / rent payments) communication is needed.
- Lead: Larry
- Space Management
- Goal: Make sure the space is accessible, organized, and working.
- Lead: Tyler
- Documentation Organization
- Goal: Consolidate and organize our existing documentation structure. Document how it should be organized so others can maintain.
- Lead: Josh (w/Khevna's help)
(5 min) UMSI Day of Service - Josh
- Goal: Decide on a Project (or two) that UMSI Students can help AHA with
- Lead: Josh W.
- Contact: Maura Y.
(10 min) Review Previous Action Items!
- Everyone 12/18/2013 - Will provide options for UMSI Volunteer Day in January
- Dana: AHA Kids Propaganda, ie: Tri Fold Brochure, Poster (ie: 11x17 in hallway)
- Josh 12/20/2013 - Will provide an update to the AHA group about state of facility issues (Heat, Carpet, Emergency Exit)
Josh 12/20/2013 - Will have two keys and codes ready for MHardware Group- Josh: Will make sure that our documents / file storage is consolidated and organized (in progress)
- Larry: Will make sure everything involving memberships is documented and taken care of
Larry: Will update standing rules for Friday- Larry ?? - Will provide an update on state of membership process
- Larry ?? - Will address Landlord should any egregious events arise
Martin ?? - Will communicate with Josh & Dana about events & improving the processMartin ?? - Will pursue options for covering financial work AHA needs doing (Andrew has jumped ship)Dana ?? - Will make sure Calendar, AHA Events Web Page, and Monthly Printed Poster up to date with events- Dana 01/01/2014 - Will work with Nate to have a rough draft of a plan of action on how to increase Staff involvement
- Dana 01/14/2014 - Will work with Nate to have a the plan of action implemented with Staff
Tyler ?? - Will meet with Josh on Sunday to start reviewing what 'space management' means- Tyler: Ongoing: make sure everything involving space maintenance is documented and taken care of
- Nate: Ongoing: Will continue to work with Staff to better coordinate their interests & availability
Nate: Will implement a policy page for borrowing tools- Nate: Ongoing: Will make sure everything involving staff is documented and taken care of
- Zach: Is willing to pay to get more trifold brochures made