Minutes:14 DEC 2022 Members Meeting Agenda
Meeting begins:
Meeting ends:
- Announcements/new business - 10m
- Operations
- Tool checkout spreadsheet to keep track of who is allowed to use our training-required tools - Joe D.
- Sink Update
- Cricut Working!
- Laser Cutter
- Sand Blaster
- Financial
- Membership
- Volunteering Update
- Gentle volunteering nag - author an email - James K.
- Outreach
- Cahoots
- Fundraiser
- Education
- Announcements/new business:
- Operations:
- Financial:
- Financial health outlook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MTjgdvGJI9-FI7OFxkDdw-hJbirdUaxwBpERWVGVSQs/edit#gid=0
- Current Profit and Loss https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyFGgMt1vwGwDnciNzjhT5_X7A4ackqJ/view?usp=sharing
- Membership:
- Outreach:
- Education: