501c3 Submission

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This here wiki entry is to document our attempt to fill out and submit the 501c3 application

General Information

Generic Info

Other Attempts

Parts I - XI

Part I: Identification of Applicant

  • Lead:
  1. 1: Full name of organization (exactly as it appears in your organizing document): All Hands Active
  2. 2: not applicable
  3. 3: Mailing Address: 525 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
  4. 4: EIN: josh/xander/jenn have it
  5. 5: Month Accounting Period Ends: 12 (December)
  6. 6a: Primary contact (officer, director, trustee, or authorized representative): Josh Williams
    1. 6b: Phone: 734-252-9595
    2. 6c: Fax: N/A
  7. 7: Represented by an an authorized rep: No
  8. 8: Was a person who is not one of your officers, directors, trustees...: No
  9. 9a: Organization's Website: www.allhandsactive.com
    1. 9b: Organization's Email: allhandsactive@gmail.com
  10. 10: No, we are NOT claiming exemption from filing Form 990
  11. 11: Date incorporated if a corporation, or formed, if other than a corporation: 1-8-2010
  12. 12: No, we were not formed under the laws of a foreign country?

Part II: Organizational Structure

  • Lead:
  1. 1: Yes we are a corporation, please see http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/bcs_corp/dt_corp.asp?id_nbr=70632W&name_entity=ALL%20HANDS%20ACTIVE or http://imgur.com/a/SrIGp
  2. 2: No, we are not an LLC, please see http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/bcs_corp/dt_corp.asp?id_nbr=70632W&name_entity=ALL%20HANDS%20ACTIVE or http://imgur.com/a/SrIGp
  3. 3: No, we are not an unincorporated association, please see http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/bcs_corp/dt_corp.asp?id_nbr=70632W&name_entity=ALL%20HANDS%20ACTIVE or http://imgur.com/a/SrIGp
  4. 4a: No, we are not a trust
    1. 4b: No, we are not a funded trust
  5. 5: Yes, we have adopted bylaws, please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lp5_oGZ9V7muIaGploIQY91ZaQd0zjUd73YpLICp9BY/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CJ2V_b4J&pli=1

Part III: Required Provisions in Your Organizing Document

  • Lead: Jamison Lundy
  • Section needs further information
  1. 1: Purpose clause: Our Articles of Incoporation says: "To establish, perpetuate, and expand a cooperative invention and education space, infrastructure, and community."
    1. Examine other hackerspaces 1023 submissions for comparison [1]
  2. 2a: Dissolution: We can check this box. According to our Bylaws: "In the event that All Hands Active must dissolve its corporate charter and liquidate its assets, the Board of Directors shall unanimously approve a nonprofit organization with a similar mission to which to donate all assets."
    1. 2b: In our bylaws, Page 6, Article XII - currently at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lp5_oGZ9V7muIaGploIQY91ZaQd0zjUd73YpLICp9BY/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CJ2V_b4J&pli=1
    2. 2c: Unnecessary

Part IV: Narrative Description of Your Activities

  • Lead: Xander Honkala

Part V: Compensation and Other Financial Arrangements with...

  • Lead: Josh Williams
  • Section needs further information
  1. 1a: List the names, titles, and mailing addresses of all of your officers, directors, and trustees. For each person listed, state their

total annual compensation

    1. Board of Directors: Xander Honkala, Nathan Yost, Nate Dotz, Michael Senkow, Jamison Lundy
    2. Officers: Josh Williams, ?
    3. 1b: No one > $50k
    4. 1c: no one > $50k
  1. 2a: No
    1. 2b: No
    2. 2c: No
  2. 3a:
    1. 3b:
    2. 3c:
  3. 4a: Yes
    1. 4b: Yes
    2. 4c: Yes
    3. 4d: Yes - Since we take good board meeting notes
    4. 4e: Yes - We will compensate accordingly, get multiple bids, etc.
    5. 4f: Yes - We will record information appropriately
    6. 4g: We did not say No to any of the above items.
  4. 5a: Yes, we do have a conflict of interest policy as our bylaws don't allow for paid directors, and directors must have a 4/5 majority vote to implement anything new, and members have an opportunity to overturn any decisions they disagree with. See bylaws
    1. 5b: See above
    2. 5c: See above
  5. 6a: Yes, we do have non-fixed payments, in that if we don't have enough money to pay an officer for their position, we can't pay them as much as we would like to.
    1. 6b: No, we are not paying >$50k for anyone
  6. 7a: No, not planned. What if we buy a tool from an existing director?
    1. 7b: No
  7. 8a: No
  8. 9a: No

Part VI: Your members and Other Individuals and Organizations That Receive Benefits From You

  • Lead: Dana / Nate D.
  1. 1a: Yes
    1. 1b: Yes
  2. 2: No
  3. 3: No

Part VII: Your History

  • Lead: Nate D
  • Section needs further information
  1. 1: Lawyer Question: We did acquire assets of BGEi, and the services they offered are still operating. However, AHA was incorporated in January of 2010, and did NOT purchase the assets until ~June of 2012.
  2. 2: Yes. need to look into Schedule E

Part VIII: Your Specific Activities

  • Section needs further information
  • Lead: Xander & Nate Y
  1. 1: No, we don't support/oppose candidates
  2. 2a: No, we don't attempt to influence legislation
    1. 2b: No
  3. 3a: No
    1. 3b: No
    2. 3c: N/A
  4. 4a: Yes, Email & Personal Solicitations, Web site, and Other web site donations (
    1. 4b: No,
    2. 4c: No, though Yes, we have raised money for GEMSI, it's not a normal activity for us
  5. 5: No
  6. 6a: No
    1. 6b: No
  7. 7: no
  8. 8: no
  9. 9: no
  10. 10: No (we do generate a lot of information, but we have no plans to patent/trademark/copyright any of it outside of possible open CC licensing of wiki psoted
  11. 11: We should talk to a lawyer WTF is Real Property?
  12. 12: No for all
  13. 13: No, not at this time
  14. 14: No
  15. 15: No
  16. 16: No
  17. 17: No
  18. 18: No
  19. 19: No
  20. 20: No
  21. 21: No
  22. 22: No

Part IX: Financial Data

  • Lead: Josh W.
  1. 1
    1. a $100
    2. b $900
    3. c $0
    4. d $0
    5. e
  2. 2
    1. a ~$5000
    2. b $7016.28
    3. c $2410
    4. d $0
    5. e
  3. 3
    1. a
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    4. d
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Part X: Public Charity Status

  • Lead:
  • Section needs further information
  1. 1: No? Ask a lawyer. We are supported by members, who arise from the general public. Sounds like Public Charity
  2. 2: waiting on answer to #1
  3. 3: waiting on answer to #1
  4. 4: waiting on answer to #1
  5. 5: waiting on answer to #1
  6. 6: waiting on answer to #1
  7. 7: No, we have not received any unusual grants.

Part XI: User Fee Information

  • Lead:

Schedules A - H

N/A - Schedule A: Churches

N/A - Schedule B: Schools, Colleges, and Universities

N/A - Schedule C: Hospitals and Medical Research organizations

N/A - Schedule D: 509(a)(3) Supporting Organizations

Schedule E: Organizations Not Filing Form 1023 Within 27 Months of Formation

  • Section needs further information
  1. 1: No
  2. 2a: No
    1. 2b: No
  3. 3a: No, move onto #4
  4. 4: No
  5. 5: Yes Need to talk to a lawyer and create a letter of explanation. ie: We don't know what we are doing : )

N/A - Schedule F: Homes for the Elderly or Handicapped and Low-Income Housing

Schedule G: Successors to Other Organizations

N/A - Schedule H: Organizations providing Scholarships, Fellowships, Educational Loans...