Minutes:11 SEP 2013 Board Meeting Agenda

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(15 min) Open For All!

(15 min) Status of Previous Action Items

Andrew is starting on QB improvements

Four AHA people ideal for Oculus Rift hackathon kickoff on Oct. 11, four for testing on Oct. 13, two for Oct. 14 for teardown. Promotion needed! http://a2vrhack.com

Josh will make sure all model URLs for DMF scans are up soon, will email emails and model URLs to Khevna and Nate Y.

Nate Y. scheduled bootloader hackathon for Oct. 5th Noon to midnight or until people get tired.

Ana is taking over thank yous. Should be done around Oct. 10th-ish. Josh will get mailing addresses for donors.

Nate will get proof of concept together for door lock, set meeting date soon after.

Dana is sending out survey by the end of the week.

Zach emailed lawyer, expecting response soon.

Job board discussed today!

(5 min) Financial Update

Need more money. We are falling behind this month by about $630.

Zach is willing to buy the vending machine for $300.

Hounding members for dues might help -- been over four months since last bugging. Josh will be taking over this.

Dana wants to put kits for noobs together to get more people in here. Needs help with this, will set up a time to do it by 9/18.

Would be good to put together a new kit each month to keep things fresh!

Dana will communicate with Zach/Barracuda about AHA classes for adults in the next two weeks.

Other ideas for kits include DIY cell phone, DIY Arduino-based project. Classes on RPi, etc..

(5 min) Membership Update

Josh will be going over membership stuff on Wednesday to straighten out backlog of dues, etc..

(5 min) Job board request for help - Josh

Cards all printed out, job board almost ready to go. We'll be rolling this out Thursday.

Job reminders every week? In person at events with lots of members? Webcam for job board for remote viewage.

Everyone will need to sign a new membership form... Starting Thursday.

We need more staff. Send out emails to former staff members to mention that we've changed up the way shift works drastically, maybe they are interested in helping again? Could also extend this to members needing to fulfill their monthly job obligations.

(10 min) Landlord / Rent Compensation Update

(10 min) 501c3 Update

(5 min) Open House!

(5 min) Board Elections

Wrap Up / Action Item Condensed List