Minutes:12 FEB 2014 Board Meeting Agenda

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Meeting attendees:

Meeting starts at:

Meeting ends at:

(15 min) Open For All!

(5 min) 501c3!

(5 min) Facilities Management Update - Josh

Awaiting response from Dena at MTBU about:

  1. Emergency Exit still needs foundation support (it works much better, but it's cold due to lack of proper foundation)
  2. Bathroom floors need replacing, but can't be done until back area is warmer.
  3. The emergency exit/back alley has a solid layer of ice on the ground. For safety, can a layer of dirt / salt be put down in the alley?
  4. HVAC / Duct work is failing, and leaks around alley have caused damage, and continue to do damage (salt/water leaked onto computer/CNC equipment). Requested meeting with landlord about patching these up.
  5. The front door sticks open. Brrrr : )
  6. The stench smell still comes in from time to time. Last we heard was that Guardian was going to do a follow up inspection / possibly try and pump smoke through the system again to find leaks, but I have not heard an update on this. Do you know what the status of this is?

(5 min) Financial Update - Josh

(15 min) Fundraising! - Dana & Larry