Minutes:08 MAY 2013 Board Meeting Agenda

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  1. Financial Update
  2. New directors onboarding.
  3. Followup items from last meeting:
    • Sale of Ops name?
    • Thank yous for donors.
    • Grant data from Dana.
  4. 501c3 Status -- has Ed updated us?
  5. Update on 990 (ref: here and here)
  6. What do we aim to accomplish in the next 6 months?

Board Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Dana N., Josh W., Khevna S., Mike G., Nate Y., Zach W.

Meeting starts at 19:31

More or less the same as last month finance-wise, maybe a bit more. Board is voting to pay Josh $500 this month!

Josh is going to distill down his list of duties, share with the board so we can distribute work if necessary.

New board members welcomed; briefed on the status of the 501c3... needs to get done this term.

Mythlogic is willing to buy the Ops name for $750 in three installments, starting soon.

Need to wait about 6 weeks after 990 filed to determine if we can file 2012 taxes. Need to file those taxes, then check if we can file 2011, 2010 taxes. Once we take care of all those, we can file the 501c3.

Form 990 is done, School Factory posted as mentioned above; check in 6 weeks to see if IRS got it.

Nate is still going to write the thank you's. Zach offered to help.

Dana is currently gathering the grant data RIGHT NAO.

Zach is going to catalog what the status is of the Apple computers in order to sell them on eBay.

Goals for the next 6 months:

  1. Get an additional ~4 members a month.
  2. Improved outreach. We should do more engaging with the public, e.g. 3d scanning outside!
  3. Some sort of fundraising event.
  4. Increase camaraderie among members; members and non-members.
  5. One themed workshops -- for holidays, seasons, etc..
  6. One themed build night (separate from the normal build night) per month.
  7. Special events once a month? Beer brewing, screen printing...
  8. Taking attendance at events to see how we're doing.
  9. Summer camps.

Meeting ends at 21:00.