Minutes:08 Nov 2017 Board Meeting Agenda

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AHA Mission Statement
We seek to establish, build, and support a collective of individuals organized around the principles of community-driven education in the arts and sciences, and to ensure ready access to the tools needed to pursue the realization of those principles.

  • Meeting attendees: Henry Marshall, Brian Morse, Kim Burton, Demure
  • Meeting starts at: 19:10
  • Meeting ends at: 20:35

Board Meeting Protocol

* Standing Committee Reports - Individual Updates by Assigned Director/Officer presented in the time allotted.

* Open Time: For anyone to bring anything up to the Board. IF the Board agrees the item requires action, it will be put into New Business and addressed at the end of the meeting.

(15m) Open For All

  • All Are Worthy. All Are Welcome.

- Kim let us know that Bill wanted to note that we need more garbage bags.

- Kim wants to make it clear to all members about our financial situation. Messaging to members can be hard. Making

- We'll have chili mac at the potluck. Brian will bring the Mac & Cheese and Kim & Henry will make the Chili.

- Huge shoutout to everyone who helped with the Halloween fundraiser with special thanks to Madeline.

Minutes Approval

Governance - Collective Ownership

- Election announcement is made.

- Henry made a meetup event for election night.

- Transition meeting tentatively scheduled for November 18th.

- Nate will add an election notification to the website.

Education/Events - Henry Marshall

- Tyler ran a CNC course.

- Henry ran a laser course.

- Henry met with Big Brother Big Sisters (BBBS) re: classes at the space. They are interested in doing Arduino stuff.

- Henry will reach out to BYB about running a BBBS workshop with their kits.

Finances/Membership - Alex White

[To be update by Alex 2017-11-11]

- If we are paying for heat, Demure points out we should try to have the back door stay closed.

- Membership communications may be a rotating role after the elections.

- Verify standing with stadium hardware; are our bills for items bought during a month, or other?

Fundraising - Nate Yost

- Henry will send out financial projections to the mailing list and create a meetup event for 2017-11-21 to discuss outcomes

- Kim has reached out to 3 people re: grants

Halloween Fundraiser

- We earned ~$200 at the Halloween fundraiser.

- People tended to donate more than the $10 suggested donate. We may want to raise this to more closely match the donation rate.

- Kim and Madeline are doing a Halloween Fundraiser

Holiday Fundraiser

- Kim is hoping to host and get the JayCees involved.

- More leadup -> more advertising

- Make Christmas ornaments with the laser.

- Nate says in the past we've done a cookie cook off


- Kim will contact the University about whether any marketing people would want to have an internship for the space.

Operations/Volunteers - Brian Morse

- Demure updated the wiki with all the forms.

- Brian and Kale replaced the signs on the windows.

Clean Table & Trash

Trash compactor location, quirks (close door before typing code), code need to be documented.



- Fire extinguishers are out of date. Larry says they can be recertified at Spears. Brian will take care of this. Still in progress.

- Nate will picked up button making stuff.

- Brian installed fuses in the multimeters

- Henry and Henry bought NFC cards

- Tyler looked at the printer. It may now be networked

- We have approval for the external door lock. Nate and Brian will do it during the holiday season.

- Henry and Brian will put up the last cabinet in the coworking space.

- Brian will contact the landlord to make sure they only open the space for board members in the future. He will send this email after the new board is in place to minimize noise.

In progress

- Tyler was possibly going to work on the LDAP June 25th. Has this happened? Nate upgraded to a new NAS. It has the latest software.

To Do


- Has there been a backups on all machines to NAS? Nate wants to know more about this, possible document on the Wiki. Henry will ask Tyler.

- [Has Bill Putt wired the] second patch panel to rack.

- Tyler has boxes, conduit, caps, wall hangers, and cables to expand the network, but needs help. Any volunteers? This should be shared with the larger membership. Demure and Nate will be available to help during the break.



  • Mount projector.


> Nate wanted to mount a display [on the pole outside the space], how can we make this happen? Raspberry Pi (we have one), monitor (Henry has one), monitor mount (Larry has one), HDMI to DVI cable. Henry M. will email Larry about it.