Minutes:09 July 2014 Board Meeting Agenda

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  • Meeting attendees: Nate Y, Zach S, Ken L, Josh W
  • Meeting starts at 19:20
  • Meeting ends at 20:40

(15 min) Open For All!

Names of Standing Committee Chairs

  • Financial - Zach S. (w/ assistance by Emilio T.)
  • Governance - Nate Y. (membership by Jamie F.)
  • Fundraising - Larry W. (Events by the same guy)
  • Operations - Nate Y. (with staff oversight by Dana N.)

Standing Committee Reports (Outlined in p. 3 of Standing Rules)

Reports to be reviewed at the Board Meeting can be found here: [1]

  • Review last months Minutes for old action items.

(15 min) Financial - Zach S./Emilio T.

  • Review AHA Financial Status (shared in advance)
    • Need to file 990N by August! Zach will take 2013 P&L and fill it out
    • Need to get MI Sales Tax License and file for exemption
    • Zach will sync up with Emilio to figure out (and hopefully remove!) blockers to getting monthly financial reports - need numbers for June
  • FYI - Larry found that pricing at Costo is better than GFS for the items we normally stock.
  • Update Board with July member stats (compiled by Jamie Fineman/Larry Works)
    • Up to 40 paid members!

(15 min) Governance - Nate Yost

  • Review AHA Governance Status (shared in advance)
    • Family plan could be a good way to add new members
    • We could add all members to the Google calendar and remove them if they are no longer members
    • Ken volunteers to figure this out (starting with the blog)!
  • Operations (under Governance)
    • How can we lower the barrier to entry for members to host events?
    • Status of Transitioned Activities from Josh

(15 min) Fundraising - Larry

Summarize Fund-raising report (shared in advance)

    • A2Skatepark - we think we made money! Did it get deposited in the bank account?
    • What happened with the extra skate decks from A2Skatepark event?
    • AHA will cover the banner (if we haven't already)
    • Larry found out that we can in fact take 501c3 donations retroactive to the date we submitted the application. Therefore, when making any financial donation requests include this verbiage "All Hands Active is a charitable organization pending 501(c)3 certification.". It's the responsibility of the donor confirm tax status not AHA. Year of certification determines when a donor files their donation in their own tax documents.

Review Upcoming AHA Events.

    • Zach has a meetup.com account! We could post stuff there for free! We're going to post music night there.
  • Detcon1 - Larry & Nate participating. Anyone else?
  • Detroit Maker Faire - What are we doing?
    • We're currently committed to do Oculus Rift
    • Could we do Google cardborad VR headset?
    • Could we do flexiscope? Josh will try to source parts and Zach will pay
    • Could we do 3D printed phone holder?
    • Tyler recommends cardboard city - go to membership and see if anyone wants to champion it
  • Art Fair - To late this year, except to be sure our banner is on display. Next year, Larry just might be able to get a booth in a private vendor area at no cost.

Review Upcoming Classes (good variety in July) - who wants to take any of these for August? [2]

(30 min) New Goals - Create the next 6 Months Goals - Board

How can we create a sustainable financial model to meet the vision of AHA of being Ann Arbor's Friendliest Hackerspace? How can we restart the educational revenue stream?

How can we grow the membership?

  • Add-on membership for Standard members suggested at $15/member. Need to define clearly and involve entire membership.
  • Review Zach S. Update from June

(15 min) Upcoming Business

  • Things to do at the next GSD (besides Maker Faire)
  • November Board Candidates
  • Ken is thinking of a bluetooth + Arduino class for August
  • Zach has a Shapeoko for the space! We're going to bring in the pen version first and running a class (less dangerous than dremel).