Minutes:09 NOV 2022 Members Meeting Agenda

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Meeting begins: 1910

Meeting ends: 2038

Participants: Nate Y., Dylan K., Andrew C., Brian J., Donovan P., James K., Victor M., Joe D.


  • Announcements/new business - 10m
  • Operations
  • Financial
  • Membership
  • Outreach
  • Education


  • Announcements/new business:
    • None
  • Operations:
    • Larger Area Space Reorganization -- follow-up, needed items?
      • A ton of progress was made at the last space improvement day! Lots of things got organized into the totes, classroom is much more organized. Loud noise room more organized now. Sink has been installed and is working.
      • Small room inside the loud noise room will likely become the CNC-router room - Stepcraft, Shapeoko, and Roland.
      • Chemicals and such need to get disposed of. Special trip to Washtenaw County home toxics stuff?
      • Lots and lots of monitors to sort through, get rid of. Will take a look at this at the next
    • Tool checkout spreadsheet to keep track of who is allowed to use our training-required tools - Joe D.
    • Ideas on how to spend our $25k loan
      • Some current ideas: battery spot welder, bigger lathe, (desktop) vertical mill?
      • Getting new big tools implies a need to have someone skilled enough to use it, and train others on how to use/maintain it.
    • Sink is mostly working, has some draining issues that requires better venting to not back up. Joe will be in touch with Lyn to see if it can be corrected easily.
      • Also needs a soap bottle and paper towel dispenser
      • Small hot water heater?
  • Membership:
    • Volunteering update
      • Nora is working on getting the wood shop squared away with safety training and other things
      • Dylan is interested in working on improving the visual appeal of the outside of the space
      • More volunteer hours need to be logged in our tracking form.
      • Gentle volunteering nag - author an email - James K.
    • Upcoming membership changes:
      • Rate increase: $65/mo. for standard members and $25/mo. for reduced-rate members starting Jan. 1st 2023
      • Adjust volunteering hours requirements to 10 hours of volunteering per month (also starting Jan. 1st 2023?)
    • One new volunteer this month
    • Call for more folks to participate in running/helping to run a shift


  • Partnering with co-workings spaces! - James/Joe
    • Joe and David met with Cahoots folks, looked into ways we could collaborate with them!
      • We've been invited to attend these events:
        • December 2nd, 5pm-11pm: Midnight Madness
          • Ideas of things to make for this? Face drawings? Other cool holiday-themed projects?
        • December 15th, 4pm-7pm: December Happy Hour
          • Joe and James will coordinate
      • Could offer a discount for Cahoots-member memberships
      • We could promote things on their Slack
      • Hold workshops for members
  • Sorority volunteering - Sometime in November - Joe D. has reached out
  • Time to start planning the end-of-year-fundraiser/membership drive (launching 11/29 on Giving Tuesday)
    • Gather folks interested in providing donation matching
    • In-person fundraiser ideas? - Nate would be interested in putting something simple together
    • A meeting is needed to plan. Scheduled for next Thursday the 17th @ 8pm.


  • Plan for an "All the classes" day in December? - Joe, Nate, and James will schedule this tentatively for December 17th!
  • Chiptunes class on December 3rd? - James