Minutes:12 AUG 2020 Members Meeting Agenda
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- Announcements/new business - 5m
- Report on new members - Joe -5m
- Finalizing future plans for AHA - 30m
- Revisit quarantine plans in light of current/projected risks.
- General feeling seems to be desire to go forward with the new lease, so that's what we'll do.
- Need to coordinate efforts to clean out Annex since we anticipate it will be rented quickly.
Action Items
- Add guide to wiki on "how to get started teaching a class" - James, by August
- Evaluate voting options on election process improvement thread - Nate, two months before the next election
- Create tempelate for cold call emails to businesses
- Wacky class ideas! Mike will start a thread on memberlist.
- Volunteer time tracking
- Semi-social meetups outside, where we do space improvement stuff on our laptops with a cell hotspot!
Running List of Projects
Active Projects
- Online classes
- infrastructure for running / promoting classes unclear
- no classes run in June! Let's get things scheduled for July
- Joe can run fusion 360 class
- David idea for arduino class
- Nate home automation class
- Critical to do these since we have no other income at the moment, besides dues.
- Volunteering
- Need to get things running again, see if anyone would like to teach a class during the downtime
- Start contacting volunteer/reduced rate folks by mid-next-week.
- list of volunteering ideas started
- How/if to track how much people are actually volunteering?
- Finish Website
- Joe added a few pages and closed some issues.
- page to pay for classes
- added payment option to membership page
- added reservation form for access to the space
- remove links to the gfm and add our own donation page
- Someone could label issues as critical or not
- Joe added a few pages and closed some issues.
- Accounting
- Stay with freshbooks or switch?
- Use accounting software to track individual member payments? Joe's research says that Homeowners associations and German Club use this method. Both are billed yearly, however
- Interim solutions: better spreadsheets with documentation
Inactive Projects
- Marketing
- social
- newsletter
- local publications etc
- election system
- Ongoing Wiki Maintinance
- determine how new members can join during COVID-19
- determine how people can qualify on new tools during COVID-19
- Online/video class followed by brief in person qualification?
- Find Sponsors
- Have a clear idea of what we bring to the community
Future Projects
- Social Events
- Partner with scouts
- How to increase diversity