Minutes:12 JUN 2019 Board Meeting Agenda
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- Meeting attendees: Mike, Nate, James, Sarah, Ndu
- Meeting started at: 19:30
- Meeting ended at: 21:00
Board Meeting Protocol
- Standing Committee Reports - Individual Updates by Assigned Director/Officer presented in the time allotted.
- Officer Reports - as needed
- Open Time: For anyone to bring anything up to the Board. If the Board agrees the item requires action, it will be put into New Business and addressed at the end of the meeting.
(15m) Open For All
- All Are Worthy. All Are Welcome.
Governance - Nate
- Upcoming (late) Election - will be discussed on the mailing list
- A minor rule change will be proposed on the list for discussion - done by James
- We're going to look at other organizations to see how they handle elections - pending
- Review bylaws and other policy docs to deal with short boards
Finance - Mike
- Taxes filed.
- Financials continue to be posted - more info on the mailing list.
Prior Updates
- James Status on expense policy: delayed.
- James Status on class cost policy: delayed.
Fundraising - Laria
(as VP, Laria is filling in for Sarah in the interim
- Laria is not present.
Officer Status Reports
- President (Nate) -
- Vice President (Laria) -
- Secretary (James) -
- Treasurer (Mike) -
- Shop Manager (Laria) -
- Sysop (Nate) - Establish a anonymous suggestion box
Ad Hoc Committees
Real-time Communication Investigative Committee
- Nate/James status - still delayed, James will decide on chat product (Olark maybe?) and Nate will install.
Previous Action Items
- James status of updates to harassment policy regarding hate speech: delayed.
- James status of card creation process: delayed.
- James put the nest renewal date in the calendar: delayed.
- Mike Can we decorate/paint the pillar outside of our suite if we return it to neutral - ask oxford: delayed
- James Calculate the cost of the annex to the space: done - and we have interested parties for renting.
- James figure out which membership forms are missing: waiting on Mike to create a current list of members: delayed.
General Agenda Items
- Tech and Art show - June 21st - Ann Arbor art center, we will commit to this - Nate and James to talk - volunteers needed.
- Restroom key needs to be copied - James will do this.
- Craig/Marshall broke into the space last night (June 11th) - the police were called and a report was filed. Some small items were stolen, and he violated a standing trespass order. Charges are being pressed.
- Renting the annex - we have a few interested parties - hopefully good news soon.
- Marketing - Going to have a meeting with Veronica, a friend of Nate's.
- Monthly Space Improvement Days - Next one is July 14th
- Membership drive - have a separate meeting to discuss this, maybe discuss with Veronica
- Class schedules
- Laser on July 13th - Mike to run and put it on the schedule.
- 3D printer class - coordinating with Laria on the schedule.
- Call for classes on the mailing list - Mike will do that.
- Volunteering
- Augustine is leaving. Ndu will continue to work Friday nights.
- How can we get more volunteers? Sarah will write up some verbiage to reach out to colleges.
- Sustaining A2 grant - James will post on the mailing list
Action Items
See above.