Minutes:13 Apr 2016 Board Meeting Agenda

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AHA Mission Statement
We seek to establish, build, and support a collective of individuals organized around the principles of community-driven education in the arts and sciences, and to ensure ready access to the tools needed to pursue the realization of those principles.

  • Meeting attendees: Alec M., Jon H., Erik O., Nick R., Alex W., Nate Y., Donnie J.
  • Meeting starts at: 19:15
  • Meeting ends at: 20:45

Board Meeting Protocol

* Standing Committee Reports - Individual Updates by Assigned Director/Officer presented in the time allotted.

* Open Time: For anyone to bring anything up to the Board. IF the Board agrees the item requires action, it will be put into New Business and addressed at the end of the meeting.

(15m) Open For All

  • All Are Worthy. All Are Welcome.

Alec M. noticed another leak over the kitchen.

Jon H. reports two PCs are nonfunctional, and our nicer ASUS monitor is still missing.

Minutes Approval

  • March 2016 Board Minutes

- Minutes approved

(90min) Standing Committee Reports

Financial - from Alex W.

Paid first month rent and security deposit for the new space, pretty much wiped out the security fund.

We actually took loans from Alex W. and Tyler W. to cover expenses at the end of this month.

Membership - Alex W.

Lost one volunteer last month, otherwise we're holding steady.

Alex suggests a membership drive when we move into the new space. We could invite members (and old members), especially the public to get interest in the latest.

Fundraising - Greg G.

GoFundMe has replenished the account, but the funds are conditional to the projects we mentioned in that campaign.

Alex suggests we setting up a public spreadsheet to account for improvements we've done with the GFM money.

Governance - Donnie J.

Election coming up, Donnie will find someone to help him run it. Erik offered to pitch in.

Facilities - Nick R.

Still have leaking pipes over the kitchen.

Maintenance guy at new place wants to meet us to discuss the door lock plans.

Volunteers - Erik O.

Jon H. would like to switch back to Friday evenings. Person who has been on Saturday evening shift hasn't showed up in some time.

Jon H. suggests having two people per shift to cover gaps, assuming we can find the extra help.

Education/Classes/Events - Donnie J.

Shell Eco-Marathon coming up next weekend, Fri. evening through Sun.

Penguicon the week after the Shell event. We should have plenty of volunteers to help run the badge event.

(30m) Unfinished Business

Esty has connections with JStor, would like to see if we can get any sort of partnership with them.

- Kristin G. of JStor is trying to arrange a tour of the space in the next month or two. We are waiting on JStor.

Jon H.'s dad would like to have an AHA member come into a ACS meeting to talk about AHA.

- No movement, Jon will get him to email the Board. Doing this again this month.

Alec wants to have some kind of long-term agenda of "things to do" (recurring events), viewable in the minutes.

- Donnie, Nate and Alec will put this together. Nate will send an email to coordinate -- going to do this in May.

Greg suggests bringing members into the Google Apps setup as users. Membership Director would periodically curate this list to the current members.

- This is a thing Nate can do, given some direction. We could also tie in computer logins to this with the APIs.

Mythbusters(?) are planning on doing some filming with BYB on the 2/26, partially at AHA.

- Was a really long day. We will have footage in the near future.

- Still waiting?

Nick R. mentions the Milan R/C Club has restarted, trying to get a non-profit status. Nick would like to see some cross-pollination between these groups. Interesting things coming up with that group includes a drone racing track.

Greg asks about laser cutter use tracking. People are not using the log book reliably. Nick proposes using the LDAP computer logins to help with this tracking.

- People are still rarely using it.

Related to laser, the short-term action item is to print the updated instructions for the laser cutter, and a new logbook for people to sign in. Also Nick will add hardware to keep track of laser use time.

- Hardware ready to go -- need to integrate it with the LDAP system.

(30m) New Business

Alex W. brings in samples of vinyl tiles we could use in the new space to replace where the carpet will be pulled up.

Erik O. says that the tile that's there already is faded but serviceable. Would like to take a night to clean the tile, then wax the floor with a floor waxing machine. Wants to put around four coats of wax, possibly one coat over vinyl decals to make a "walkthrough tour" of sorts. Willing to do this in exchange for membership. Might need to have touchups every 4-6 months?

Nate Y. suggests looking into getting our own waxing machine if we need to touchup every 4-6 months.