Minutes:23 AUG 2018 Board Meeting Agenda

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- Meeting attendees: Nate Y., Kim B.(note taker), Brian M., Henry M., Demure, Mike G., Esty, Dan

- Meeting started at 1900

- Meeting ended at

Board Meeting Protocol

* Standing Committee Reports - Individual Updates by Assigned Director/Officer presented in the time allotted.

* Open Time: For anyone to bring anything up to the Board. IF the Board agrees the item requires action, it will be put into New Business and addressed at the end of the meeting.

(15m) Open For All

  • All Are Worthy. All Are Welcome.
  • Race car in the main room: the group would like to keep the car in the space and discuss terms to keep it here. Request: parking pass to keep the car in the space renewable annually. How often to work on the car? Ramp up: June and July, with Detroit makerfaire
  • Suggestions for classes: Intro to Rust, RustBridge, Fiberarts, soldering classes
  • TBD: minimum amount of days worked on; clauses for "breach" of contract

Paper from Craig: - Trash-can lid: Nate will buy trash can lid and black bags, and possibly smaller trash bin for food stuff. - Sleeping in the Space: City ordinance to be found, and then post to the groups to see membership feeling. all agree, no sleeping overnight at the space - Backdoor Maglock: maglock is installed, Nate is set to install the reader on the outside. - Cameras: there will a post explaining the general camera information (who has access, logs etc.) as this question has come up multiple times - Solvents and Paint thinners: should be inventoried of what's there, and thrown out the stuff. Assigned to the next cleaning day

Governance - Nate

  • Elections are coming up: 3-4 board positions up
  • Backdoor Maglock: maglock is installed, Nate is set to install the reader on the outside.

Education/Events - Kim

  • Granting permissions on meetup to basically anyone who asks to make events.
  • We still need teachers!
    • Wanhao 3D printer is back in action, Replicator also seems to be working. Nate needs to do a short video on how to run it.
    • Class costs: to be posted to bulleting board
    • Laser cutter is still unavailable for class usage until the lens/tube are repaired. General membership may use for projects.
    • Dan interested in teaching some courses: arduino, ham radio
  • Kim suggests we post wiki "we need this" list out to folks with encouragement to use Amazon Smile with us as the non-profit?

Finances - Brian

  • we need to have list delegated from Brian
  • Brian has a financial report on GDrive that is easy to update

Fundraising - Mike G.

  • Mike will be doing a class: Intro to verilog
  • Fiber update: no update as there wasn't a response to last followup
  • "Amanda from Giving Assistance gave us $25" --Thanks, Amanda.
  • Idea from Dan: have a program related to kids that you could ask rotary or kilwanis
  • Shoutout from Mike G. to Henry, that the way Henry did the class was amazing.

Marketing/Outreach (??)

  • Whomp whomp.

Operations - Nate

  • James dealt with fruitflies and we appreciate that.
  • Landlord needs new board names for approved unlock requests - Nate will do
  • Nate and Tyler has run new internet cable, and it needs to go up and into the closet. Maintenance to open the closet door, and then we decide if we have to hire someone.

Membership/volunteering demure

  • demure will verify BYB Fellow member accounts are not 24 hours access
  • 2 newbies! Yay.
  • Awesome membership engagement from the car folks (Esty, Jacob etc.) with some community people interested in the way the car worked (thanks for making AHA awesome!)


  • July Stats:
    • We currently have 1 coworkers, 13 standard, 15 reduced, 1 house hold, and 5 volunteers in good standing, 19 BYB.