Minutes:13 MAR 2024 Members Meeting Agenda
Meeting begins: TODO
Meeting ends: TODO
Participants: TODO
- Announcements/new business - 10m
- Operations
- Financial
- Membership
- Outreach
- Education
- Announcements/new business:
- Operations:
- PC upgrades: buy new vs. upgrade (i.e. more RAM/switch to SSD)? - James K./Nate Y./Ben N.
- Focus on donated machines instead of buying?
- try a returnable CPU replacement?
- Use existing Mac Mini for the public PC
- https://www.ebay.com/itm/285309742776 as an example of new PCs
- Victoria to look at getting a few https://www.amazon.com/GMKtec-Nucbox5-Desktop-Computer-Windows/dp/B0B75PT2RY/?th=1 for $140?
- 3dp is now in good shape!
- laser next?
- James phasing out Intel macs for M1s
- IT committee ?
- Focus on donated machines instead of buying?
- Access control (interior and exterior): pivot to off-the-shelf Unifi solution? - James K./Nate Y./Ben N.
- front (internal) door working reliably; very manual process of adding people; exterior (Liberty stairs) door strike in place - Nate Y.
- reach*ed* out to Lynn RE wall mount - Nate Y.
- need camera in place to cover our liability; G5? - Nate Y.
- We should test out some of the higher-end Unifi cameras for the main entrance, to control the number of alerts.
- Access control -- we will order some Unifi gear at the beginning of 2024 (returning if it doesn't work out), could roll into the fundraiser.
- Can we define a group of people "responsible" for each machine who would document/maintain/organize the main trainings? (i3-style "zone wardens")
- somewhat happening organically?
- or a list of subject matter experts?
- Elections - James K.
- PC upgrades: buy new vs. upgrade (i.e. more RAM/switch to SSD)? - James K./Nate Y./Ben N.
- Financial:
- Financial Position: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U_IURRK7QLhnVKWiRDk4u64dw7JJ2WuK/view?usp=sharing
- Financial Activity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8axPee9qlmCH8ajU5dZQKTJLn3bK7ZE/view?usp=sharing
- Monthly financial report https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fCZ2j8G5ZXTxQlR_fnR_BoUldrVSsgBDnbztHpAYgGw/edit?usp=sharing
- Accountant/tax advice/Payroll solutions - Joe D.
- Joe's solution: try doing paperwork ourself with payroll service. Switch to CPA if its overwhelming; needs review (fwded to board)
- Artisan market starts 4/7
- Setup will be a big job either way. Management may not be that much work.
- This needs at least two people.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/15guo7zZOTvUhtWUuEZ3JxxUewXUzQSMBxMrQysdqxFo/edit?usp=sharing
- reach out to i3, ~~Maker Works~~ -- how do they handle this? - Nate Y.
- Joe's solution: try doing paperwork ourself with payroll service. Switch to CPA if its overwhelming; needs review (fwded to board)
- Membership:
- Membership tracking
- We have something terrible, but functional! Long term is to get this into something more suitable (CiviCRM?)
- James K. open to creating a custom open-source solution for us over an upcoming weekend (with prodding/reminders!)
- Membership tracking
- Outreach:
- Future grants?
- Free-form MEDC grant - James K./Ben N.
- SA2T (Sustaining Ann Arbor Together) - Sarah B./Nate Y.
- Will start January 1st
- SPARK cooperation, can we give them more bang for their buck? - David G.
- Upcoming events:
- End of the year fundraiser:
- CiviCRM fundraising management - Sarah B.
- Events:
- Science thing at Lawton Elementary 1/24 5pm
- Sam's bat mitzvah
- End of the year fundraiser:
- Future goals & pitch deck - Sarah B.
- Come up with 3-5 year goals for the pitch deck
- schmooze cruise - everyone reach out to 3 people and ask for donations, and/or attend events to promote AHA! and our fundraiser
- Cahoots - James K.
- very 2-3 happy hours
- Bob Ross-style soldering workshop (leverage PCBway sponsorship)
- other workshops where knowledge workers can use hands instead
- discounted memberships/annual donation
- 2-3 access cards for staff after orientation in exchange for use of their event space(s)
- Workantile - James K.
- Bamboo - James K.
- Art Fair
- Newsletter owners needed
- Tango tutorials - Sarah B.
- Future grants?
- Education:
- 2024 education goals/classes
- How to transfer some responsibilities for classes to more people?
- form own sub-committee?
- Bonus: DIY fob/badge idea
- 2024 education goals/classes
- Communications improvements
- always-on #general on TV/RPi
- Matrix vs. Discord?
- bridging as stopgap?