Minutes:11 DEC 2013 Board Meeting Agenda
Meeting attendees:
Meeting starts at 19:00
Meeting ends at 21:00
(15 min) Open For All!
(2 min) Something Delicious - Josh
(5 min) Financial Update - Andrew
(5 min) Facilities Update - Josh
- General Guidance for Landlord Communication
- It sounds like Greg is no longer with MTBU. Yet to confirm officially.
(10 min) Michigan Hardware Project - Nate
- Financial
- Membership
(20 min) Delegation of The Core - Josh
How are things going with this?
- Goal: Improve Membership (What does this mean?)
- Lead: Larry
- Goal: Make sure events (new and recurring) are found, promoted, and run in a timely fashion.
- Lead:
- Helping, what specifically are they doing, and by when:
- Josh:
- Dana:
- Martin:
Find out what our current average attendance is per internal workshop. Increase to an average of 8 per workshop. Increase average number of internal workshops p/month to 12 Build nights don’t count : ) We have somewhere around 5 or 6 right now.
- Goal: Make sure finances are kept up to date, supply monthly financial reports.
- Lead: Andrew
What finances means? Have a working budget that is easily updated, understood, and accessible This budget should have a path towards Tool & Space Expansion. Work to improve the status of members and the frequency of updates.
- Goal: Find, train, and maintain a balance of volunteer staff needs with the shop's needs.
- Lead: Nate
Landlord Management
- Goal: Establish official communication channels with the landlord, communicate with them when general communication isn't working out, or when higher level (beyond basic maintenance / rent payments) communication is needed.
- Lead: Larry
Space Management
- Goal: Make sure the space is accessible, organized, and working.
- Lead: Tyler
Documentation Organization
- Goal: Consolidate and organize our existing documentation structure. Document how it should be organized so others can maintain.
- Lead: Josh (w/Khevna's help
(5 min) UMSI Day of Service - Josh
- Goal: Decide on a Project (or two) that UMSI Students can help AHA with
- Lead: Josh W.
- Contact: Maura Y.
- Description: "Would [AHA] be interested in hosting volunteers again from the University of Michigan School of Information again for Service Day. Last year we sent a number of volunteers to All Hands Active, and we'd love to have the organization involved again. This year, we were hoping you would be interested in doing something similar this year. There's a very short video about last year's Service Day here.
We're going to have UMSI Service Day on January 18, 2014. We'll have volunteers work from in the morning from 9 until 11:45, and from 1:15 until 4 in the afternoon. People do work from spackle and paint to database cleanup, and if you think of an appropriate project, it would probably work for that format. Projects can either run for the full day, or a half-day." - I (Josh W.) have requested a full day.